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Learning to be the leader of your own life – Life Skills Workshops for Kids.

By understanding how their mind works, kids will understand why the skills they learn work.  Understanding “why” will give them the confidence that they too can develop powerful self-confidence and achieve their goals.

  1. How Our Mind Shapes our World…Belief Systems
  2. Power of Possibility…Why you achieve what you believe
  3. Pathway to Success…How to create your Neural Pathway
  4. Your Radar for Success…The secret radar in your brain
  5. Power Shifting…How to choose your power even when things don’t go your way

WHO: Ages 9-13

WHEN: Tuesdays beginning 19th of Feb to 26th of March (6 weeks)

TIME: 5:20 to 6:35

WHERE: All Saints’ Community Centre, 30 Cook St, Howick

Investment: $165 Workbooks and all materials provided and
afternoon tea (spaces are limited)

Book now as places are limited

Call Inna on 021619193 or email: inna@innerlightened.com

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