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Learning to be the leader of your own life – Life Skills Workshops for Kids.

In this program, there are 6 skills. The first 4 help them to understand and develop their inner, core values and the last 2 teach them how to make good decisions according to their values and how to say no to peer pressure.

  1. Self-Responsibility
  2. Integrity
  3. Respect
  4. Self-Respect
  5. Making Good Decisions
  6. Peer Pressure

WHO: Ages 7-13

WHEN: Monday 21st, Tuesday 22nd, and Friday 25th of January, 2019

TIME: 1:30-4:00 (Your child attends all 3 days)

WHERE: All Saints’ Community Centre, 30 Cook St, Howick

Investment: $165 Workbooks and all materials provided and
afternoon tea (spaces are limited)

Book now as places are limited

Call Inna on 021619193 or email: inna@innerlightened.com

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