As a child, traveling to beautiful places in the world has been a dream of mine. Just thinking about it lights up my soul. One particular place I have always dreamed about was Greece. It has been a picture on my vision board and in my mind for years. I didn’t know how I was going to get there. Especially moving from New York to New Zealand in 2006 felt as though I was getting further away from this beautiful place.
As I began to trust life more and more and began to live my purpose, I sensed an energy that I knew was always there but became dormant as I lived a life I was expected to live. My own expectations of what success looks like and other people’s expectations.
Connecting back to my true self and awakening my dreams led to clarity on how I wanted to live my life and serve others more. To remind anyone that came across my path that we are all here for a reason. And we can all live life fully with happiness and abundance. We are here to create the life we desire. We all have the possibility to awaken our true authentic self and with joy.
In October 2017 I signed up to a speaking course to learn how to share my message with others. This course connected me to like minded leaders and teachers. I was blown away by the love and support.
Continuing to trust in the process and moving in the direction of my dreams, in April 2018 I received a phone call from one those teachers.
She was putting together a retreat. An intimate retreat that was focused on teaching the exact same message that I am called to share.
To my amazing surprise and delight she asked me if I would like to be a speaker and teacher at the retreat. I was blown away to say the least. And guess where she was having the retreat? Yes, you guessed it – GREECE!!!
What? How? I trusted, I listened, and I said, “Yes!”
September 5th, 2018 I was on a plane flying to Greece…. My dream comes true.
The experience was amazing, better than I could have ever imagined. I met some amazing people from 9 different countries with the intention to learn how they can live their best lives. I shared what I love to do, how I got there and met a beautiful woman that I now call my sister.
I believe we are all, not just capable, but meant to do what we love. Today, for me, nothing else will do. And I wish that for you!
I love quotes and one of my favorite ones by Henry David Thoreau became a mantra in my life, especially when I had doubt, is, “If one advances confidently in the direction of his dreams, and endeavors to live the life which he has imagined, he will meet with a success unexpected in common hours.”
Here are some photos from the retreat called The Blueprint of Abundance in Ermioni, Greece, September 11-19, 2018.
Enjoy! Sending light and love to you,
